creating, learning, sharing, growing & building…


family & friends!

I believe that LEARNING is important (it’s good for us & can bless others). AND we are never too old to learn. I believe that EXPERIMENTING plays an important part of learning.  I view it as applied learning that in turn facilitates learning and I welcome the SURPRISES that can result.

Blogging is something I feel like I have been called to do. It is a TOTALLY new thing for me.  It has provided a new creative outlet and given me the opportunity to LEARN. I have experienced quite the LEARNING CURVE!

I created my original DenimDIY blog in 2018 to share my passion for creating with RECYCLED DENIM.  It took only a few months for it to become apparent that the focus was too narrow for me.  I truly enjoy LEARNING, GROWING & CREATING.   Being confined to only one of my creative loves (recycled denim) was just too restrictive for me. GARDENING, making handcrafted SOAP and WOODWORKING also bring me JOY!

As a result I picked a new name that I felt was more fitting

Jensen Creative Works.

I hope you visit my blog often and are inspired to LEARN, CREATE & EXPERIMENT!

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