I am EXCITED to be back blogging!
So much has happened since I last wrote. The BIGGIE was we moved!
I knew it was going to take a few months before I would get back to blogging... BUT
I NEVER dreamed it would be a few months shy of a YEAR!!!
AND would come with a
NEW NAME that better covered my broad interests
and occasionally include my FAMILY.
is another JOY of mine! While it's a PROCESS there is SO MUCH room for
So a SOAP post was PERFECT to start the NEW BLOG!
These samples are made from colorants I purchased from Bramble Berry because of the INFORMATION they include with each colorant. Their old website did a GREAT job thoroughly covering each colorant. The NEW SITE is still good but missing some of the information that the OLD SITE had. The thing I miss the most is the QUESTION "For external use only?" I like this question because the skin in the largest ORGAN of the body. I want the things I use on my skin to be things that are OK for the INSIDE of me too. MAYBE, "Is it LIP SAFE?" answers that question for me but I don't know... And I WISH, "For external use only?" was asked and ANSWERED in their new listing.
I LIKE that Bramble Berry's website includes PICTURES of soap made with each COLORANT they sell. Most show pictures for both COLD PROCESS and MELT & POUR soap.
( I think the exception is when it's not recommended for one of the soaping methods then they don't picture it used in that method.)
Their new website (which is wonderful & still in progress) has not yet CLEARLY identified which sample pictures are cold process and which are melt & pour but I am sure that will come.
HINT: If the final color of a soap is significantly different than the powder color, it's probably the cold process sample.

10 Bramble Berry Colorants
Brown Oxide Pigment
Burgundy Pigment
Brick Red Oxide Pigment
Neon Blue Raspberry Colorant
Apple Moss Green Mica
Yellow Oxide Pigment
Nuclear Orange Pigment
-Uncolored Soap-
Fizzy Lemonade
Electric Bubble Gum Colorant
Fired Up Fuchsia
⇒EVALUATING colors is DIFFICULT. Obviously there has to be a DIFFERENCE between Burgundy Pigment and Brick Red Oxide but it is hard to see.
⇒Selecting color COMBINATIONS is much EASIER when you can see them and PHYSICALLY set them next to each other. It's also EASIER to see how to TWEEK other colors.
March 9, 2019
I’m so glad I got on Facebook and saw the post! I had no idea that you are blogging. One of these days my denim pile will reduce drastically as this site has inspired me to do something other than squares and crazy quilts. Keep it up, Leeann. You are an inspiration to many, but we miss you!
March 11, 2019
So happy you’ve been INSPIRED! I think there are some really good SIMPLE projects your grandchildren would love doing with you too. I’d love to see a picture. MISS you ALL TOO!!!